Specialized Licensing and Permits

Fishing for Scientific, Educational or Other Special Purposes

Special Use Fishing Permits may provide individuals and commercial fishing entities with entrance into certain areas otherwise prohibited, as well as legally take certain aquatic life or use certain gear for bona fide scientific, educational or propagation purposes.

Choose the type of Special Use Fishing Permit you need:

Specialized Licensing and
Permits for Individuals

Lay Net

Applies to:
Lay net fishers

Required for:
Any person to use or possess a lay net in State waters.








Marking Directions
Laynet FAQs

Fishing FAQs

Special Activity

Applies to:

Required for:
Any individual associated with any research, educational, or management institution to collect regulated aquatic organisms or resources, use regulated gear, or collect/conduct activities in regulated areas, for research, educational or management purposes.

Annual reports with summary of activity conducted (e.g. description of activity, data collected, results, photos, GPS coordinates, etc.).


Special Provisions, Licenses, and Permits Information

FAQs available behind permitting system login

Papahānaumokuākea Permit

Applies to:
Persons desiring to enter Monument waters

Required for:
Entry and all activities taking place within 0-3 miles in state waters of Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.






Applications and Instructions

Specialized Licensing and Permits
for Commercial Fishing

Molokini Shoal MLCD Use Permit

Apply in Person at the Maui Nui DAR Office

Applies to:
Molokini Shoal MLCD commercial operators

Required for:
Any commercial operator who conducts dive tours, charters, and other activities within Molokini Shoal MLCD.

Hawaiʻi Resident and Military Fees:

Non-Resident Fees:

Online Data Entry System
Prohibited Areas for Surface-Supplied Air
Diving Pre-trip Briefing and Acknowledgement
Vessel Transfer or Change Form

Lay Net

The Maximum Length for a Lay Net is 125ft. The Maximum height may not exceed 7 feet and the minimum mesh size needs to be at least 2 ¾ inched (stretched mesh).

Inshore and Reef Fish

More than 400 species of inshore and reef fishes inhabit Hawaiʻi’s coastal waters.

Papahānaumokuākea Permits

There are 9 islands, atolls and reefs included in the permitting rule.

Fishing Resources


Specialized Licensing
and Permits


Download our Fishing
Regulations App

Fishing Around
Protected Species

Hawaii Marine
Recreational Fishing Survey (HMRFS)