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Recreational Licensing
and Permits

Commercial Licensing
and Permits


Special Permits

Report Violations

About Fishing in Hawaiʻi
There are many ways to enjoy ocean and freshwater fishing in Hawaiʻi. Learn more about fishing licenses, permits, and regulations that keep our aquatic resources thriving for generations to come.

Determine the license type you need.
Choose from Recreational Licenses and Permits or Commercial Licenses and Permits.

Apply for a new license or renew an existing license.

Submit your application online. Applications are processed and are subject to verification. If approved, your license, permit, and/or registration will be sent to you within five business days.

Traditional Fishing Methods in Hawaiʻi
Hook and Line, Spears, Traps, Nets, Kokiʻo Dye, Noose Shark Hunting and Fishponds.
Inshore Fish Endemic to Hawaiʻi
This is the highest percentage of endemism for warm water marine fishes in the world.
High and Low Tides Per Day
There are usually two low and two high tides each day, not usually reaching over 2.4 ft.
Fishing Resources

Download our Fishing
Regulations App

Fishing Around
Protected Species

Hawaii Marine
Recreational Fishing Survey (HMRFS)
The State of Hawaiʻi Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) proudly protects Hawaiʻi’s aquatic resources and ecosystems. Learn more about the work they do >